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Frequently Asked Questions


Here I am outlining answers of probable queries typically a research group leader in academia encounters, frequently. A letter below is dedicated to prospective lab members.

 01  My letter to prospective members interested to join us


Dear Prospective Lab Member,


First of all, thanks for your time looking into my web page.

​We do actively look into active, ambitious, and deserving individuals to join our team at all levels, from Bachelors, Masters, Doctoral, to Postdoc. If you are an enrolled student in IIT Bombay, you can contact me for your research engagement in my lab.


My work is relevant to anyone having an active interest in Physical Sciences. Students with chemistry (physical), physics, chemical engineering, materials science are particularly encouraged. The area I work in is highly interdisciplinary and within the capability of all the above subject areas. My approach is to delete the traditional subject boundaries, which is probably evident from my educational background.


I believe experimental research in soft matter, especially topics related to polymers at surfaces and interfaces, are fascinating. These systems are pretty complex, while we aim to explain those via relatively simple experimental foundations, generating fundamental understandings that may propel advancement to emerging materials. Please take the time to explore our research web page to get an idea of topics we are primarily aiming to touch on in the broader context.


​There are a variety of topics, but I do not usually venture into things that can not at least partly aim to underpin fundamental aspects of science/ engineering/ technology, driven purely by curiosity with the potential to advance in other facets. The group has its own philosophy, intensity, and expectations, starting with a relatively well-defined project goal with full encouragement on exploring new avenues of research as you encounter on the way. An ideal research experience and the training should make us more perfect at managing the best of our abilities to manage time, efficiency and way to look towards society!


PS: Write-up Inspired from my friend/ colleague/ mentor (s): Kari Dalnoki-Veress (McMaster), Also: Rod Priestley (Princeton), Günter Reiter (Freiburg)





 02  How can you do PhD in our group?


First of all congratulations, as you have taken or about to take a big decision in your life, that is doing a PhD. Read above my note to prospective lab members. Go ahead and read short research descriptions in this page. Since you are here, it appears you are interested in my work, . So lets make a case of mutual interest.


You can always get in touch with me. Send me just your CV with just few lines in the email (no detailed description). This is particularly encouraged if you have own scholarships for doing PhD (e.g. UGC/CSIR NET, PMRF, Other funding) If I like your CV, I will reply you back (could be slow but surely!)  and can guide you for further official processes. However, if you want to start immediately there is a way to join as project staff.


However, you have to be officially accepted by IITB PhD program in all the cases to join officially as a PhD student. It has many layers. Advertisement and application are open throughout the year, whereas, intakes are only twice: at the start of Autumn semester or Spring semester. For that purpose department wise written test and/or interview typically takes place in first/second week of May and December each year. Online Application Form & Information Brochure (including the admission schedule along with the important dates) is available on the Institute website at the following link, You are required to submit the application ONLINE. Also to see available projects in particular intakes, please department (Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science) home page for any announcements.


At some point during the process, after you qualify to join as a PhD student,  I will ask you to provide me a 1-2 page (s) write-up, saying why do you need a PhD? What you are expecting from it? What you are expecting from my lab and me? What I can expect from you? What makes you to choose my lab? You don't need to write a highly technical smart essay, rather I want you to see open up yourself on those pages. At this point I will have fairly good understanding on you!


 03  How can you do postdoctoral research in our group?


Will update in details later. In short there are many channels to get official appointment. Fellowships also vary from institute level to personal fellowship level. If you have any best, otherwise apply. Since you have a PhD already, you should be smart enough to find those and ask me on the possibilities. I do consider appropriate postdocs not as my students rather I am inclined to give you optimal  independence as long as we both are focusing on research



 04  What about short-term project student-ship?


I am not taking outside short term/ visiting /summer/ winter project  students right at the moment, will do so later. There is a a standard way for external short term project studentship, that happens through IRCC, IIT Bombay. Will update in future with details. Institute (IITB) students for any kind of research experience, shoot an email or meet me with your wishes!



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